General Recommendations
For cleaning, do not use abrasives that can damage the pipes.
For an effective maintenance, flushing, it is best to use hot water for a few minutes once a week.
Unclogging drains at the first signs of obstruction.
Ventilate the house in the early hours of the morning to avoid condensation problems.
Protect filters sinks sink and bathtub. Do not use the toilet as a trash bin, depositing the remains of food, cartons, cigarette butts...
Install a filter on the drain of the sink and leave it no dishes or other containers with leftovers.
Periodically review boards of the tiled bathroom. If you are not watertight, apply silicone, which will prevent moisture.
Do not allow the tank to lose water and the level of care that it does not rise to the overflow. Replace necessary gaskets or valve float if necessary.
Clean periodically siphon pot
Properly attached to the floor or the toilet walls and the movement of the soil itself can produce mismatches which cause leaks or even rupture of hoses.
If a faucet drips, even slightly, fix it immediately as it can result in major water damage. Never leave the taps open without being present.
If water is cut, make sure all taps are closed.
Always close the electrical breaker when you go away from home for a period of time.
Close breaker pass whenever it detects a fault.
Regularly review boards of the installation of the washing machine and dishwasher, and their drains. Clean the filters and change the tires for supply.
Do not empty the installation of heating while remaining out of service, except for repairs.
Bleed the radiators before turning on the heating.
Before the holidays, closing the breaker-of-way, drain all pipes and close all faucets.
Do not forget to leave a key to the apartment to someone you trust if there is a need to enter the house to check on your house if they find something not right.
In cold areas, it is recommended, especially at night, draining the pipes and hoses and closing the breaker step to prevent water damage and freezing in them.
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